ve” to the Department of Transportation (DOT) which means that their work can affect their security and that of the public They are also required to maintain a routine physical exam to be compliant and keep working. A DOT physical adheres to strict regulations set out by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) which ensures that commercial drivers and other safety-sensitive employees are in good health for safe work.
This is the procedure for performing physical examinations.
Drivers are required to maintain minimum 20/40 acuity both eyes, either with or without correction. Additionally, they must possess at minimum 70″ peripherals in the horizontal meridian, measured by the eye in which it is located.
The medical examiner is going to check the driver’s blood pressure as well as pulse to determine if there is an increase in blood pressure, as well as irregular heartbeats.
It is imperative to take an urinalysis. This test is used to identify signs of underlying medical conditions including diabetes.
Drivers should be able to discern what’s known as a “forced whisper” at a distance of 5 feet or less, either with or without hearing aids. This amount translates to the loss of hearing average in the better ear of lower than 40 dB. cnhrymve94.